December 19, 2016
To Whom It May Concern:
Under the terms of the “Open Public Meetings Act” P.L. 1975, c. 231 there will be a Special Meeting of the Union County Utilities Authority on Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 6:00 PM. The Special Meeting will be held at the UCUA, 1499 US Highway One, Rahway, New Jersey.
The Purpose of the special Meeting is as follows:
The UCUA shall Host the Annual Public Meeting regarding the Union County Resource Recovery Facility, to be conducted by Covanta Union, Inc. (Formally Ogden Martin of Union, Inc.) as the Solid Waste Facility permittee. In accordance with the Solid Waste Facility Permit, this open meeting is to provide local officials and the general public with an annual forum to allow public input and exchange of ideas relating to the Union County Resource Recovery Facility.
Following the Special Meeting, the UCUA’s regular meeting scheduled for 6:30 PM, will be held.
By order of the Union County Utilities Authority